
Academic Workers for a Democratic Union (AWDU) works to democratize UAW 2865, the union for teaching assistants, readers, tutors, and graduate student instructors at the University of California. We believe that our Union is stronger when our membership is empowered – when decisions are made from the bottom-up rather than from the top-down, as is currently the case. We believe our Union should not only fight to strengthen our rights and benefits as academic workers, but also prioritize larger struggles for social and economic justice. We should be centrally engaged in the movement to defend public education. We must work in solidarity with community groups working for social change as well as with other unions. We believe that, above all, our union can be a strong vehicle for social change – but it must undergo a transformation first. In all of this, we reject a business unionism that embraces partnerships with management. Instead, we need a social movement union that supports the empowerment of members through direct action.


  • Proposals for how to improve the quality of education for undergraduates by empowering ASEs with manageable workloads, adequate numbers of ASE positions, a discrimination-free university, liveable wages, and fair benefits.


  • A vision for what we as union members, workers and students believe would bring UC closer to the model of a university with a truly public mission to serve its students, workers, faculty and communities.


  • Our principles for a member run, democratic and progressive union.


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